

蓝天基金资产信托契约  根据我国现行法律和《深圳市投资信托基金管理暂行规定》的有关精神和要求,中国人民建设银行深圳分行和深圳蓝天基金管理公司本着共同发起"蓝天基金",将募集的资金投资于能产生良好效益的经济领域,以使投资人获得尽可能高的投资回报和较丰厚的资本增值的宗旨,经平等协商并形成共识后,达成以下协议:  第一条 释义  除本契约其他条款另有规定外,下列词语具有如下意义:  本基金 指根据本契约

1 則留言:

匿名 說...

From this court a stairway http://rebestal.info/samoloty.html leads down into a shaft, the walls of which are softly upholstered something like a leather pocketbook.. Leonard can always command the best http://startso11.info/tak+tak.html lions that are to be found, observed another lady.. The roaring was louder than ever now, and it became deafening as they suddenly emerged from the http://startso11.info/www.gry+agro.pl.html thick underbrush at the bottom of the declivity.. said Titbottom, with a bow of quaint http://startso11.info/p6bat-a.html respect to my wife.. Fluker may be said, therefore, http://startso11.info/wasosz.html to have followed, rather than led, his family on the return.. It grew dark as we stood in the office talking, and taking our hats we http://startso11.info/www.strong+man.pl.html went out together.. That garment was a surprise even to Washington, which has long ago ceased to shy at the http://startso11.info/Karen.html frocks and broad-brimmed hats of Southern Congressmen.. An' as for http://startso11.info/stroda.html my bed, said Mr.. During the time that I am unfolding the thoughts at the back of the dream I http://startso11.info/file%3A%2F%2FC%3ADokuments+end+Settings%5C%5CJa.html feel intense and well-grounded emotions.. The subjection http://startso11.info/www.JAN+POL+BIS.pl%2Foferta+.html.html of the Unc.. Some of her stories deserving of special mention are: The Capture of Andy Proudfoot (June, 1904, Harper's ), In the http://startso11.info/www.koe.krakow.pl.html Strength of the Hills (December, 1905, Metropolitan ), The Machinations of Ocoee Gallantine (April, 1906, Century ), A Call (August, 1906, Harper's ), Scott Bohannon's Bond (May 4, 1907, Collier's ), and A Clean Shave (November, 1912, Century ).. But we have also concurred with the http://startso11.info/drweczno.html contrary view, viz.. You ain't old enough to http://startso11.info/philips+288.html call on girls; anybody can see that; but I am, and I'm going to call on Champe Claiborne.. My best friends stared. http://startso11.info/www.Kasiulka.jest.html. I reckoned I'd bring Hiram round with me, said the young lady, lifting her searching eyes, after a pause, to the Colonel's, though he was awful shy, and allowed http://startso11.info/M%C5%81OCH%C3%93W.html that you didn't know him from Adam--or even suspected his existence.. A brakeman passed, and Gideon leaped to http://startso11.info/sprzet+rolniczy.html his feet and pursued him.. The dream's means of expression must therefore be regarded as meager in comparison with those of our imagination, though the dream does not renounce all claims to the restitution of logical relation to the dream http://storyah44.info/pks+walbrzych.html thoughts.. I left a small party http://startso11.info/wirdzin+i.html in the company of a friend, who offered to drive me home in his cab.. Biggle and I looked at each other; and http://startso11.info/szpachle.html Mr.. Don't be noisy--it's Sunday, you know--and don't get to playing anything that'll dirty http://startso11.info/www.Stuttgardt%2Cger..html up your good clothes...